Now you can order your Cigars Online in Kolkata and have it delivered within 1 – 2 business day. Our cigars are perfectly stored in Spanish cedar humidors. We have a vast selection of Cigars including Cigars from Cuba, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras & India. We have a large collection of Cigars stocked in Kolkata, from Limited Editions to Cigarillos.
Charlie’s Cigars in Kolkata has established itself as a premier destination for cigar enthusiasts seeking high-quality products and an elevated smoking experience. Situated in a prime location in the city, Charlie’s Cigars is known for its extensive selection and sophisticated ambiance, making it a favored spot for both seasoned cigar aficionados and curious newcomers.
Location and Ambiance
Located in the bustling area of Park Street, Charlie’s Cigars offers a refined and comfortable environment for its patrons. The store’s interior is elegantly designed with plush leather seating, wooden accents, and a meticulously maintained humidor. This setting creates a welcoming space where customers can browse, relax, and enjoy their cigars.
Cigar Selection
Charlie’s Cigars boasts a diverse and carefully curated selection of cigars, including:
- Cuban Cigars: Featuring iconic brands such as Cohiba, Montecristo, and Romeo y Julieta, known for their rich history and superior quality.
- Non-Cuban Cigars: Offering a wide range of cigars from renowned regions like the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras, providing varied flavors and strengths to cater to different tastes.
- Indian Cigars: Showcasing locally produced cigars that highlight the growing craftsmanship within India’s cigar industry, offering unique blends and profiles.
In addition to cigars, Charlie’s provides a comprehensive range of cigar accessories, including cutters, lighters, humidors, and ashtrays. The knowledgeable and passionate staff are always available to offer personalized recommendations and insights, ensuring that every customer finds the perfect cigar to match their preferences.
Charlie’s Cigars regularly hosts events such as cigar tasting sessions, pairing nights, and gatherings for cigar enthusiasts. These events are excellent opportunities to expand one’s knowledge of cigars, meet fellow enthusiasts, and enjoy a communal atmosphere dedicated to the appreciation of fine cigars.
For those who prefer the convenience of online shopping, Charlie’s Cigars offers a well-designed online store. The website features detailed descriptions and images of their products, making it easy for customers to browse and purchase their favorite cigars. Reliable delivery services ensure that cigars arrive in perfect condition.
Charlie’s Cigars in Kolkata stands out as a premier destination for anyone looking to enjoy high-quality cigars. With its extensive selection, expert staff, and inviting atmosphere, Charlie’s Cigars provides an exceptional experience for cigar lovers in the city. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or new to the world of cigars, Charlie’s offers everything you need to indulge in this luxurious pastime.
So go ahead and place your order and feel free to get in touch with us for any clarifications.